What Is The Meaning of the Om Symbol-PLUS Its Importance in Yoga

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Home » Yoga philosophy » What Is The Meaning of the Om Symbol-PLUS Its Importance in Yoga

The om symbol is one of the most important symbols in Hinduism. It is considered to be the first sound of the universe, and it is believed to contain all other sounds. In this blog post, I will discuss the meaning of the om symbol and its importance in Yoga. I will also explore some of the symbolism associated with this iconic symbol as well as the importance of chanting om!

I still remember chanting om in my very first yoga class and being amazed at the beautiful primordial sound the word om produced. And so it’s no wonder we chant om in yoga and meditation practices as it really does help calm the nervous system.

What Is the Om Symbol And Its History

The om symbol is one of the most well-known symbols in Hinduism and Buddhism and is believed to represent the vibration of the universe and all living beings. In ancient times, om was used as a mantra during meditation to inspire feelings of peace and unity with the divine.

As Buddhism spread throughout Asia, om became an important symbol in both religions, often used during religious ceremonies and chants. Some even believe that chanting om carries with it spiritual powers and can bring good luck or manifest intentions.

Despite its widespread use today, the om symbol’s origins are uncertain. While some believe it originated from Hindu scriptures dating back thousands of years, others suggest that it evolved out of older Indian symbols such as the Aumkara.

Regardless of its exact origin, the sacred syllable om remains an enduring symbol of peace and divinity in both Eastern philosophies and modern Western culture.

The Meaning Of The Symbol Om

The om symbol, often seen in yoga studios around the world, holds a deep and profound meaning. In Hinduism, it is believed to be the sound of the universe, representing the divine energy that permeates all things. It is said to encompass all potentiality and every vibration in existence.

When chanted or meditated on, the sound om can help to align and focus the mind and bring about spiritual awareness.

The om symbol represents powerful spiritual wisdom and significance not only within Hinduism but also in Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism, reminding us of our interconnectedness with each other and all aspects of creation.

The meaning of the om symbol

How do you make The Sacred Syllable Om?

The sacred syllable om is a bija or seed mantra. It is considered to be one of the most important spiritual symbols. When looking at its visual form, you will notice that it consists of three curves, one semicircle, and a dot. 

  • The larger bottom curve symbolizes the waking state (conscious state).
  • The top upper curve signifies deep sleep (unconscious state).
  • The middle curve denotes the dream state (deep dream state).
  • The dot represents the fourth state of consciousness (infinite state).

The om symbol has been around for thousands of years and was even found engraved on ancient artifacts from Indus Valley Civilization.

It serves as a reminder to focus on achieving unity with the Divine during spiritual practices.

Why Is The Om Symbol So Important?

The om symbol is considered by many to be the most important and sacred mantra in Hinduism and Buddhism. It represents the three primal energies of creation, preservation, and destruction, as well as the trifold nature of time (past, present, and future). It also represents the cycle of birth, life, death, and rebirth.

Om is believed to be the sound from which all creation was born, and it correlates to the universal vibrations that connect all living beings. As such, om symbolizes unity and harmony with all parts of the universe.

It’s commonly used during meditation and yoga practices as a tool for spiritual growth and connection with the divine source of creation. Furthermore, om holds tremendous power in its ability to bring about positive transformation in our lives when chanted or contemplated upon with intention.

The world om

How Do You Pronounce Om or Aum?

The sound om is actually made up of three letters a u m: “a” sounds like the “au” in “butter,” “u” sounds like the “oo” in “boat,” and the final “m” is pronounced like the “mm” in “summer.” However, many individuals also choose to pronounce om as simply one syllable, sounding like “ahhh-ooo-mmmm.”

  • A represents creation (or the waking state)
  • U represents manifestation (or the dream state)
  • M represents destruction (or the unconscious state)

Keep in mind of course that most people pronounce the word om as ooo-mmmm. And that’s ok! However, now that you know that om chanting is actually made of the three phonetic components a-u-m, then try chanting it this way from now on.

As long as you are interested in the meaning of the om symbol and pronounce the om chant with intention and reverence, om can bring about a sense of peace and oneness in meditation practices.

Using Om In A Yoga Class

Om is used in the yoga world to connect with this universal energy and align ourselves with it during our practice. When om is used in a yoga class, it serves as a way for the group to come together and unite in mindfulness and intention. It is often chanted at the beginning or end of class as a way to set aside any distractions from the material world and focus on the present moment.

I once went to a workshop and there were about 50 students in the class. We were told to each chant om 10 times, each following our own rhythm. The way the vibrations of this chant bounced off the walls made the entire experience magical and one I will never forget.

By using the om sound during class, we invite this powerful energy into our practice and allow it to guide us to greater peace and understanding within ourselves. Each time we chant om, we connect to the sound of the universe and seek to deepen our connection not only with each other but with the universe as well.

Chanting Om In A Yoga Class

Chanting may have a positive influence on people’s memory and attention. A 2006 study examined the effects of Vedic chanting on the hemispheres of the brain. The researchers found that “chanting influences both the hemispheres of the brain resulting in good memory and attention”.

It is worth noting that the Vedic chants were passed on from generation in an oral manner without the help of writing them down.

Furthermore, the authors also added that: “The frequencies and the sympathetic overtones generated by mantras, which have a vibration pattern of their own, influence our sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves, which are spread in a fine network around our internal organs.”

A study carried out in 2008 examined the effect of canting OM. It is no surprise why this was chosen as this basic mantra is known in Hinduism as the ‘Pranava mantra,’ the source of all mantras. The researchers found that: “steadiness in the mind is achieved by chanting OM, hence proves the mind is calm and peace to the human subject.”

Om Mani Padme Hum Mantra Meaning

Om Mani Padme Hum is an ancient Buddhist mantra, with a wealth of meaning behind each syllable.

  • Om is a sacred sound and symbol, believed to be the essence of the universe and all living beings.
  • Mani means jewel or essence
  • Padme is the lotus flower – a symbol of purity and spiritual awakening.
  • Hum represents indivisibility – the union of wisdom and compassion in every individual.

Chanting this mantra can help to invoke these values and connect us to a deeper understanding of our place in the world. As we explore its significance, “Om Mani Padme Hum” can truly transform from mere words into a profound form of spiritual practice.

Chant Om 108 times

If you are looking to experience the ultimate spiritual state then why not try to chant the syllable om 108 times? Or even, why not meditate on this beautiful sound? Here is a practice you can follow:

Spiritual Om Symbol Meaning

The om symbol is a sacred sound and visual representation in Hinduism, Buddhism, and other Indian religions. The Om symbol is found in churches, temples, and other places of worship to remind practitioners of their oneness with the universe.

To some, the meaning of the om symbol represents divinity and infinity. To others, it is simply a reminder to live in harmony with ourselves, each other, and the world around us.

Buddist monks chanting om

Om Symbol meaning in Buddism

The om symbol, also known as om mani or om ma ni pad me hum, is a sacred mantra and symbol in tibetan Buddhism. It represents the path to enlightenment and the dissolution of ego. When chanted or recited, it reminds the practitioner to let go of their attachments and desires and be present in the moment.

In addition, om represents the interconnectedness of all things – both within ourselves and within the universe. Thus, om serves as a reminder to treat everyone and everything with compassion and understanding.

Beyond its significance, om is also aesthetically pleasing and can serve as a calming visual focal point during meditation practice. Overall, om is a potent symbol with deep meaning for Buddhists on the path toward enlightenment.

Om symbol meaning in hinduism

Om Symbol meaning in Hinduism

The om symbol is a central part of Hinduism and holds deep meaning for believers. It is believed to represent the ultimate reality and the source of all existence. The om symbol is often chanted during meditation and prayer, as it represents the sound of creation and one’s connection to the divine.

The om symbol can also be used as a decoration or talisman, serving as a reminder of one’s spirituality and connection to the divine. In addition to its religious significance, the om symbol has also become a popular image in pop culture, worn on clothing and jewelry as a representation of peace, harmony, and mindfulness.

Whether used in worship or everyday fashion, the om symbol carries profound significance for those who practice Hinduism.

How to practice using the Om Symbol

First, it is important to have an understanding of what omkar represents and its significance in your personal beliefs. From there, you can begin practicing by repeating omkar aloud or silently during meditation and incorporating it into your mantras or affirmations. It can also be helpful to use visual aids such as om symbol posters or jewelry as a focus for your intention.

As with any aspect of spiritual practice, consistency is key in harnessing the power of omkar. With regular use and reflection, you will start to feel its deep spiritual resonance in every aspect of your being.

Tibetan flags

Benefits Of Using The Om Symbol In Yoga

When practicing yoga, you may have noticed the om symbol prominently displayed on mats, clothing, and in studios. But what does it mean, and why is it important? The om symbol is believed to represent the universal vibration of creation.

Considered the most sacred mantra in Hinduism and Buddhism, chanting om can help promote inner peace and connection with all living things. Additionally, the om symbol can act as a visual reminder to focus on breath and intention during yoga practice.

Though often used in conjunction with meditation or chanting, simply incorporating the om symbol into your practice can enhance your overall experience.


The sound of OM is considered the sound of the universe. It’s created by the combined energies of everyone and everything in it. The vibration from saying OM has powerful effects on both your body and mind. Now that you know the meaning of the om symbol, now when you say om, you know you’re tapping into that energy of ancient teachings and raising your own vibrations to match it. Over time, this can help improve your overall health and well-being.

What does this symbol mean 🕉?

The 🕉 symbol is an important symbol in Hinduism and Buddhism and is very commonly used in yoga. It represents the One ultimate truth and the source of all existence. In Hinduism, om is believed to be the first sound created by the universe during its creation and is associated with existence, consciousness, and bliss.

In Buddhism, om represents the peaceful union of wisdom and compassion. It can often be heard during meditations and prayers, serving as a reminder to connect with our inner truth and oneness with all living things.

So next time you see the om symbol, take a moment to contemplate its profound meaning.

What religion is the Om symbol?

The om symbol is not part of a specific religion. However, the om symbol holds a great deal of significance in the Hindu and Buddhist religions, representing the sound of creation.

In Hinduism, om is seen as the source and essence of all existence. It is also believed to have a calming effect on the mind and body, making it a common chant during meditation and prayer.

In Buddhism, om refers to the teachings of Buddha and is also used during meditation and ritual practices.

The om symbol can also be found in Jainism, where it represents the soul’s understanding of reality and truth.

Despite its cultural origins, many people around the world use om as a symbol for peace and spirituality, regardless of their religious affiliation.

Can I wear the Om symbol?

While it may be tempting to simply wear the symbol as a fashion statement, it is important to recognize and respect its cultural origins. If you are not practicing Hinduism or Buddhism, wearing the om symbol could be seen as appropriation or disrespect.

However, if you have a genuine interest in understanding the symbol’s meaning and using it as a way to deepen your spiritual practice, it may be appropriate for you to wear it.

Ultimately, it is up to you to determine whether or not wearing the om symbol is culturally sensitive and honors its true meaning.

Is the Om symbol Good luck?

The om symbol is not a symbol of good luck. However, it can bring about inner peace and contentment, leading to a more fulfilling life overall. So while om may not bring you a million dollars or a winning lottery ticket, it can open up new paths towards true happiness and success.

Ultimately, om may not necessarily be seen as good luck in the traditional sense, but its profound spiritual significance can lead to positive growth and fulfillment on all levels.

Who created the Om symbol?

The origin of om as a written symbol is unknown, but it is believed to date back thousands of years. In Hinduism, om is considered the most sacred mantra and can be found in many ancient texts such as the Upanishads and Bhagavad Gita.

While om may have started as a written symbol, it is now often chanted or sung during meditation and prayer practices. Whether written or spoken, om allows individuals to connect with the universe and their inner being.

Does Om mean peace?

Om can certainly represent peace, however it also has much deeper and more complex spiritual meanings that go beyond just one word or concept. Ultimately, om means something different to every individual and should be explored on a personal level in order to truly understand its significance.

Is the Om and Namaste symbol the same?

The om symbol and namaste hold slightly different meanings. The om symbol represents the sound and vibration of the universe, and is often used as a mantra during meditation or prayer. Namaste, on the other hand, is a greeting often used in yoga and other spiritual practices to acknowledge the divine spark within oneself and others.

Essentially, om represents the spiritual world while namaste represents connecting with another person on a spiritual level. While both symbols can be used in similar ways, it’s important to understand their subtle distinctions.

Namaste can also simply serve as a friendly greeting, while om carries more significant spiritual weight. Ultimately, how you use them is up to your own personal beliefs and intentions.

Om tattoo

Is it OK to have Om tattoo?

As a general rule, it is ok to have an om tattoo. However, it is important to consider whether getting an om tattoo is truly in line with its spiritual significance. It’s worth taking the time to reflect on your intentions and level of understanding of its meaning before getting permanently inked.

Ultimately, choosing to get an om tattoo can be a beautiful way to honor its symbolism and deepen your personal spiritual journey, but it shouldn’t be done lightly or without deep consideration. Respect for the om symbol and everything it represents should always come first.

Female divine energy and the om chant

The om chant is a powerful tool for invoking the energy and power of the divine feminine. In Hinduism, om represents the holy trinity of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva – all representations of the divine masculine energy.

But om also represents Shakti – the goddess who brings creation into existence and embodies infinite power and potential.

Chanting om helps to bring forth this divine feminine energy, allowing us to tap into our own inner strength and creativity. The om symbol appears as both a sound and a visual representation of Shakti’s ever-flowing energy.

As we chant om, we connect not only with Shakti but with all women throughout time who have harnessed their own power and potential through this ancient practice. By chanting om, we honor and uplift these powerful feminine energies within ourselves and in all beings.

Is Om a chant or mantra?

The word om, or “aum,” is a mantra and chanting it can have profound effects on the mind and body. In Hinduism, the om symbol represents the divine energy and creation of the universe. Chanting om helps to align our thoughts and actions with this universal consciousness, resulting in a sense of peace and well-being.

By repeatedly sounding om, we are able to quiet the chatter of our minds and focus on the present moment. While om is most commonly associated with Hinduism, it can also be found in Buddhism and other spiritual practices.

Is chanting Om cultural appropriation?

As the om symbol has become more popular in Western society, there have been debates about whether chanting om is cultural appropriation. While it’s true that om is traditionally used in Hindu and Buddhist practices, its origins and meaning are not limited to a particular culture or religion. The symbol represents the infinite universe and is meant to bring focus and mental clarity.

It can also be seen as a call to connect with the divine, similar to prayer in other religions.

Ultimately, it’s up to individual interpretation and how one chooses to use om in their own spiritual practices. Whether you grew up with om or just started using it, mindfulness and respect for its origins are key. When approaching any spiritual tradition or practice, it’s important to do so with curiosity rather than judgement or a desire for personal gain.

Why Om is used in all mantras?

As a general rule, om is used in all mantras as it is often used as a meditative tool and included in mantras to bring the practitioner into a state of focus and mindfulness. It also symbolizes the divine energy that connects all things.

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