About Us

The Ultimate Guide To Ashtanga Yoga

Hi there! And thanks for coming to my site! In case we haven’t met yet, I’m Alexia and I love researching and writing about all things yoga.

My two main areas of interest at the moment are anything Ashtanga Yoga and anything Yoga Mats (as they really are the only thing you need for your yoga practice).

I started Yoga My Old Friend because as a yoga teacher, I was very frequently asked questions I didn’t know the answer to.

That’s why I started researching all their questions and writing the answers in the form of articles. And this is where this blog was born.

Along the way, I even started a YouTube channel and I am now in the process of creating a few online courses.

I aim to make this site a source of knowledge and inspiration I would like to thank all my readers and subscribers for being part of this journey.

Meet the author to this site: Alexia Koletsou

This is me demonstrating uttita hasta padangustasana in Mysore, India