The 6 Best Yoga Flooring Ideas For Studio & Home

Having a clean yoga studio and more specifically, having clean floors is of vital importance.

With so many people coming and going, walking barefoot, laying out their mats, and sweating on and off the mat, it is not hard to see how easy it is for your floors to get dirty and how important clean floors are both aesthetically and from a health perspective.

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The cleaning of your yoga studio floor depends on the type of flooring you have. In this article, I have included cleaning methods for the 6 most common types of flooring in yoga studios as well as some gadgets that may make your life much easier!


Hardwood is a beautiful choice of flooring for a yoga studio, though is perhaps the most expensive option. It looks good and it feels great, especially as we are barefoot in yoga studios. Some popular options are Oak, Maple, Hickory, and Brazilian cherry.

So what is the best way to clean a yoga studio hardwood floor?

  • Vacuum at the start or end of each day to pick up dust and hairs.
  • Alternatively, use a microfiber dust mop to attract dust and hairs like a magnet.
  • Every week or two use a spray-and-mop with a wood cleaner specially formulated for hardwood floors.

If you want to make your own natural hardwood floor cleaner, here is a recipe recommended by Martha Stewart:

“1/8 cup plant-based liquid soap and 1/8 cup distilled white vinegar to 1-gallon water (some people like to add 10 drops essential oil for fragrance).”


Bamboo is an environmentally friendly option for a yoga studio floor. The reason it is environmentally friendly is that according to The Spruce: “Unlike the hardwood lumber industry, where trees can take decades to mature, bamboo stalks grow so fast that there is little environmental liability to the harvest practices.”

Benefits of a bamboo floor involve the fact that it is non-allergenic and hardwearing, though it can scratch easily so make sure all students are always barefoot.

So what is the best way to clean a yoga studio bamboo floor?

If you want to make your own natural hardwood floor cleaner, here is a recipe recommended by The Spruce:

“If you mix 1/4 cup of white vinegar into a quart of water, you’ll have a solution that will allow you to clean the surface of your bamboo floors safely. This cleanser should be applied in the same way as with a commercial hardwood cleaner, using a damp sponge or rag wrung dry before application.”


Cork floors are another environmentally friendly option for a yoga studio floor, as only the bark is used to make wood products. Additionally, according to CorkFloor: “With its great thermal and acoustical insulative properties cork flooring is comfortable, resilient anti-allergenic, easy to maintain and durable.”

And so cork floors could be a good option if your yoga studio operates on two levels, or if you want to minimise the noise as much as possible.

So what is the best way to clean a yoga studio cork floor?

  • Vacuum at the start or end of each day to pick up dust and hairs.
  • Alternatively, use a microfiber dust mop to attract dust and hairs like a magnet.
  • Every week or two mop your floor with a wood cleaner gentle enough for cork floors. Try to avoid the spray-and-mops as it may leave streaks on your floor and try not to allow any liquid on the floor after moping. So aim to use as little water as possible when mopping, and then you can go over your floor with a towel to make sure it dries quickly.

If you want to make your own natural cork floor cleaner, here is a recipe recommended by The Spruce:

“For a natural cork cleaning agent, create a solution of four parts vinegar to one part water and apply it to the floor with a damp mop.”


Linoleum is a rather cheap flooring option for your yoga studio and it may even be able to slightly resemble the look of a hardwood floor at a fraction of the price. It can be placed over unforgiving floors and is made of natural materials such as linseed oil, cork and wood dust. It is also easy to install, or at least easier than most other options.

So what is the best way to clean a yoga studio linoleum floor?

  • Vacuum at the start or end of each day to pick up dust and hairs.
  • Alternatively, use a microfiber dust mop to attract dust and hairs like a magnet.
  • Every week or two mop your floor with a DIY natural cleaner as mentioned below.

If you want to make your own natural cork floor cleaner, here is a recipe recommended by Tips Bulletin:

“Pour a gallon of warm water into the bucket, then add a tablespoon of dish soap to make a homemade vinyl cleaner or linoleum cleaner.”

For a tougher cleaning solution they recommend:

“Mix equal parts hot water and vinegar in a large bucket. Dunk the mop into the bucket, wring thoroughly, and clean the floor.”


Rubber flooring is a popular option in gyms and high traffic commercial spaces. It is not that common in yoga studios. However, if this is what you have or this is what you are planning on using, know that it has many advantages. For example, it is waterproof, stain, and slip-resistant.

It comes in a limitless range of colors and so you are sure to find the best match for your studio.

So what is the best way to clean a yoga studio rubber floor?

  • Vacuum at the start or end of each day to pick up dust and hairs.
  • Alternatively, use a microfiber dust mop to attract dust and hairs like a magnet.
  • Every week or two mop your floor with a DIY natural cleaner as mentioned below.

If you want to make your own natural cork floor cleaner, here is a recipe recommended by The Spruce:

“For an inexpensive and all-natural rubber floor cleaning solution, mix one cup of white vinegar into a gallon of hot water. Add a squeeze of lemon, or a few drops of the essential oil of your choice to the concoction for a fragrant effect.”


Laminate is a very popular option for yoga studio floors. It is actually what I have in my yoga studio. It resembles wood but is much cheaper and less durable. This is a good option when setting up your yoga studio with a limited budget.

So what is the best way to clean a yoga studio laminate floor?

  • Vacuum at the start or end of each day to pick up dust and hairs.
  • Alternatively, use a microfiber dust mop to attract dust and hairs like a magnet.
  • Every week or two use a spray-and-mop with a wood cleaner specially formulated for laminate floors.

If you want to make your own natural laminate floor cleaner, here is a recipe recommended by Tips Bulletin:

“2 cups warm water, 2 drops Castile soap, 3 drops lemon or orange essential oils (optional), 2 drops tea tree oil (optional)”

The best gadget for cleaning yoga studio floors

If you are looking for a gadget that will make your life much easier, then look no further than… a Robot cleaner!

If you have never used one, even just one day with it in your yoga studio will convince you.

I have set mine up so that it vacuums my yoga studio every night. This means that the floors are dust and hair-free by the morning.

Robot cleaners may feel like an initial investment, but in my option, they really are worth it.

You will on occasion still need to vacuum your floors, however, this will be done less frequently as you’ll be surprised at how much dust these gadgets are able to collect.

Plus they recharge by themselves so all you need to do is empty their little dust compartment once they are done cleaning.

Here is a video to help show how they work:

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